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API overview

FameEX provides you with a simple and powerful API interface to help you obtain market information and trade quickly and efficiently.

Before using the API, please create your own API credentials through the FameEX UI, obtain your AccessKey and SecretKey, and set the IP access restriction of the API.

API trading permissions allow you to quickly obtain the latest market quotations and order book state information, query your available balance, query your current pending orders, buy or sell, and withdraw orders.

FameEX official website homepage:

If you have any questions during use, please contact FameEX official customer service,

Our contact information is as follows:

Official customer service mailbox:

Official Twitter:

Official Telegram:

Official Facebook:

Our official support is the most authoritative source for information about this API.

Access instructions

Access URLs

Access URLs Description RESTFUL API
wss:// WebSocket Feed (quotes)

All requests are based on the Https protocol, and the contentType in the header information of the POST request needs to be uniformly set to:'application/json'

Accessing FameEX-API through a proxy is not recommended due to high latency and poor stability.

Restriction rules

Limit frequency: The limit of each interface is different.

A single API Key dimension is restricted. It is recommended to add a signature to the market API access, otherwise the frequency limit will be stricter.

Frequency limiting rules Type Description
Frequency limit for each AccessKey and each URL 20 times/2s (most interfaces) no

Header setting

The parameters of the request header are as follows:

Name Type Description
AccessKey string The Accesskey you applied for
SignatureMethod string HmacSHA256
SignatureVersion string v1.0
Timestamp int64 Timestamp of the request time; unit: seconds
Signature string signature
Content-Type string application/json

Explanation of the parameters of the request header:

API Access Key (AccessKey): The AccessKey of the API you applied for.

Signature Method (SignatureMethod): A hash-based protocol for the user to calculate the signature. Here, HmacSHA256 is used.

Signature Version (SignatureVersion): the version of the signature protocol, here v1.0 is used.

Timestamp: The time when you made the request. For example: 2019-07-24 00:00:00 corresponds to the timestamp 1563897600. Including this value in the query request helps prevent third parties from intercepting your request.

Signature: The value calculated by the signature to ensure that the signature is valid and has not been tampered with.


  1. Signature description

API requests are very likely to be tampered with during transmission via the internet. In order to ensure that the request has not been changed, all private interfaces except the push service interface must use your API’s AccessKey and SecretKey for signature authentication to distinguish parameters from parameters where the value has changed during transmission.

Method request address: access server address, such as

API Key contains the following two parts:

AccessKey: API access key

SecretKey: The key used for signature authentication and encryption (only visible at the time of application)

SignatureIt is a string spliced on a timestamp(in seconds) + method(GET OR POST) + requestPath + bodystring ("+" means string connection), using secretKey, encrypting it according to the HMAC SHA256 method, and outputting it through hex encoding.

Among them, the value of timestamp, is the same as the request header: Timestamp, and must be in the decimal seconds format of the UTC time zone Unix timestamp or the ISO8601 standard time format, accurate to the second

method is a request method, all uppercase letters: GET/POST.

requestPath is the request interface path. E.g:/orders?state=1&type=2

The body refers to the string of the request body (without blank characters, such as \n,\r,\t). If the request has no body (usually a GET request), the body can be omitted. E.g:{"orderId":"377454671037440"}

The secretKey is generated when the user applies for the API Key. For example: 533d6e70-21b2-eb5c-f801-c128021c70a1

Websocket market push

Heartbeat connection

Function Description:

Long connection heartbeat

Request path:


Request method:


Example request:

  "op": "ping"


Name Mandatory Type Description
on Yes string Message type ("ping")

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "op": "pong"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
on string Message type ("pong")

Login information

Function Description:

Long connection login

Request path:


Request method:


Example request:

  "op": "req",
  "topic": "auth",
  "params": {
    "platform": "API",
    "accessKey": "e690af61-bc06-d936-50fc-4053bdc2cf85"


Name Mandatory Type Description
on Yes string Message type ("req")
topic Yes string Request subject ("auth")
params Yes object Parameter
accessKey Yes string AccessKey applied for
platform Yes string Platform source (WEB/APP/API)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "op": "req",
  "topic": "auth"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
on string Message type ("req")
topic string Request subject ("auth")

Push K line/Candlestick information

Function Description:

This interface is registered for K-line/Candlestick service

Request path:


Request method:


Example request:

  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "period": "1"


Name Mandatory Type Description
on Yes string Message type ("sub")
topic Yes string Subscribe to topic ("")
params Yes object Parameter
symbol Yes string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")
period Yes string Candlestick time granularity (1,5,15,30,60,120,240,1D)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "op": "req",
  "topic": "auth",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "period": "1",
    "time": 1603785494,
    "open": "103.4",
    "low": "103.4",
    "high": "103.4",
    "close": "103.4",
    "amount": "1.66",
    "volume": "200.12"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
on string Message type ("sub")
topic string Request subject ("")
data object Return data entity
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")
period string Candlestick time granularity (1,5,15,30,60,120,240,1D)
time int64 Start timestamp, seconds
open string Opening price
low string Lowest price
high string Highest price
close string Latest price
amount string Trading currency volume
volume string Denominated currency trading volume

Push homepage quotation

Function Description:

This interface registers the homepage market quotation service

Request path:


Request method:


Example request:

  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT"


Name Mandatory Type Description
on Yes string Message type ("sub")
topic Yes string Subscribe to topic ("")
params Yes object Parameter
symbol Yes string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "gain": "0.12",
    "open": "103.4",
    "low": "103.4",
    "high": "103.4",
    "close": "103.4",
    "amount": "1.66",
    "volume": "200.12",
    "quotePrice": "450.12"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
on string Message type ("sub")
topic string Request subject ("")
data object Return data entity
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")
open string 24-hour opening price
low string Lowest price in 24 hours
high string Highest price in 24 hours
close string Latest transaction price
amount string 24-hour trading currency volume
volume string 24-hour denominated currency trading volume
quotePrice string Denominated currency price

Push in-depth quotations

Function Description:

This interface registers for in-depth services

Request path:


Request method:


Example request:

  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "step": "step0"


Name Mandatory Type Description
on Yes string Message type ("sub")
topic Yes string Subscribe to topic ("")
params Yes object Parameter
symbol Yes string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")
step Yes string In-depth price aggregation type (step0~step4)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "step": "step0",
    "time": 1603785494,
    "bids": [["123.12", "1.2"]],
    "asks": [["123.12", "1.2"]]


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
on string Message type ("sub")
topic string Request subject ("")
data object Return data entity
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")
step string In-depth price aggregation type (step0~step4)
time string Timestamp, seconds
bids array All current buy orders [price, quantity]
asks array All current sell orders [price, quantity]

Push the latest transaction order quotation

Function Description:

This interface pushes the latest transaction order details

Request path:


Request method:


Example request:

  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT"


Name Mandatory Type Description
on Yes string Message type ("sub")
topic Yes string Subscribe to topic ("")
params Yes object Parameter
symbol Yes string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "",
  "data": [
      "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
      "tradeId": "10384834938169458677",
      "side": 1,
      "price": "7890.12",
      "amount": "1.12",
      "createTime": 156655468


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
on string Message type ("sub")
topic string Request subject ("")
data object Return data entity
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")
tradeId string Order ID
side string Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
price array Transaction price
amount array Number of transactions
createTime int64 Creation timestamp, seconds

Push order transaction or cancellation

Function Description:

Push buyers and sellers or own orders to complete or cancel

Request path:


Request method:


Example request:

  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "spot.orders",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT"


Name Mandatory Type Description
on Yes string Message type ("sub")
topic Yes string Subscribe to topics ("spot.orders")
params Yes object Parameter
symbol Yes string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "op": "sub",
  "topic": "spot.orders",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "orderId": "10384834938169458688",
    "clientOid": "10567108063048237056",
    "side": 1,
    "orderType": 1,
    "price": "7890.12",
    "amount": "1.12",
    "money": "1.12",
    "filledAmount": "1.12",
    "filledMoney": "8562.12",
    "filledFee": "1.12",
    "feeCurrency": "usdt",
    "triggerPrice": "7600.12",
    "triggerType": "gte",
    "triggerState": 1,
    "liquidationType": 1,
    "strategyId": "123456789",
    "strategyType": 1,
    "strategyName": "abc",
    "state": 1,
    "accountType": "spot",
    "platform": "API",
    "cancelType": 1,
    "createTime": 15665546871,
    "updateTime": 15665546872


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
on string Message type ("sub")
topic string Request subject ("spot.orders")
data object Return data entity
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")
orderId string Order order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID
side int Order direction 1-buy 2-sell
orderType int Order Type 1-Limit Price 2-Market Price 3-Take Profit and Stop Loss 4-Tracking Order 5-Maker Only
price string Order price
amount string Number of orders
money string Entrusted amount (when buying at market price)
filledAmount sting Number of transactions
filledMoney sting Transaction amount
filledFee string Transaction fee
feeCurrency string Transaction fee currency
triggerPrice string Order trigger price
triggerType string Order trigger type gte-greater than or equal to lte-less than or equal to
triggerState int Trigger status 1-trigger successful
liquidationType int Forced liquidation type 1-liquidation
strategyId string Strategy Id
strategyType int Strategy type
strategyName string Strategy name
state int Order Status 1- Created 2- Waiting for Transaction 3- Partially Completed 4- Completely Completed 5- Partially Cancelled 6- Cancelled
accountType string Account type
platform int Platform source
cancelType int Order Cancellation Type 1-User Cancellation 2-System Cancellation 3-Operation Cancellation
createTime int64 Order time stamp, seconds
updateTime int64 Status update timestamp, seconds

Cancel homepage quotes

Function Description:

This interface cancels the homepage quotation service

Request path:


Request method:


Example request:

  "op": "unsub",
  "topic": "",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "period": "",
    "step": "",
    "activityId": ""


Name Mandatory Type Description
op YES string Message type ("unsub")
topic YES string Subscribe to topics ("")
params YES object Parameter
symbol NO string The name of the currency pair (for example, "BTC-USDT")
step NO string In-depth price aggregation type (step0~step4)
period NO string Time granularity( "1","5","15","30","60","120","240","1D","1W")
activityId NO string Activity ID

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "op": "unsub",
  "topic": ""


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
op string Message type ("unsub")
topic string Subscribe to topics ("")

General Info

Get current system time

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s


Get the current system time, in seconds

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:


Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "ts": 1553254857,
  "data": 1553254857


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
ts int64 Request time, seconds
data int64 Return value, current time, second

Get all trading currency pairs

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function description:

This interface returns all trading currency pairs supported by the FameEX platform.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:


Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "ts": 1554178231,
  "msg": "",
  "total": 20,
  "data": [
      "base": "ETH",
      "pair": "ETH/BTC",
      "quote": "BTC",
      "pricePercision": "6",
      "amountPercision": "2",
      "permitAmount": "0.2"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
ts int64 Request time, seconds
msg string Description of the return value this time
total int Total number of trading currency pairs
data list Return data: currency pair information
base string Transaction currency
quote string Denominated currency
pair string Trading currency pairs
pricePercision string The precision of the denominated currency in the trading pair (digits after the decimal point)
amountPercision string The precision of the trading currency in the trading pair (digits after the decimal point)
permitAmount string Minimum number of pending orders

Get all transaction currencies

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function description:

This interface returns all trading currencies supported by FameEX.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:


Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "list": [
        "currency": "USDT",
        "nameZh": "泰达币",
        "nameEn": "Tether",
        "isBase": 1,
        "isQuote": 1,
        "currencyDetail": {
          "ERC20": {
            "id": 49,
            "chainType": "ERC20",
            "currencyRecharge": {
              "state": 1,
              "minChargeAmount": "1",
              "blockConfirmNumber": 10
            "currencyWithdraw": {
              "state": 1,
              "onceminwithdraw": "5",
              "daymaxwithdrawtimes": 5,
              "feewithdraw": "1.5"
            "warnrule": {
              "withDrawAmount": "0",
              "withDrawAmountToCny": "0",
              "withDrawTimes": 0,
              "chargeAmount": "0",
              "chargeAmountToCny": "0"
        "currency": "BTC",
        "nameZh": "比特币",
        "nameEn": "Bitcoin",
        "isBase": 1,
        "isQuote": 1,
        "currencyDetail": {
          "BTC": {
            "id": 48,
            "chainType": "BTC",
            "currencyRecharge": {
              "state": 1,
              "minChargeAmount": "1",
              "blockConfirmNumber": 10
            "currencyWithdraw": {
              "state": 1,
              "onceminwithdraw": "0.01",
              "daymaxwithdrawtimes": 5,
              "feewithdraw": "0.005"
            "warnrule": {
              "withDrawAmount": "0",
              "withDrawAmountToCny": "0",
              "withDrawTimes": 0,
              "chargeAmount": "0",
              "chargeAmountToCny": "0"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string Description of the return value this time
data list Return data: currency information
currency string Currency abbreviation
nameEn string English name
nameZh string Chinese name
isBase int 1- Can be used as transaction currency 2- Can not be used as transaction currency
isQuote int 1- Can be used as a denominated currency 2- Can not be used as a denominated currency
minChargeAmount string Minimum deposit amount
blockConfirmNumber int Block confirmation number
onceminwithdraw string Maximum number of withdrawals at a time
daymaxwithdrawtimes int Maximum number of withdrawals in a single day
feewithdraw string Withdrawal fee
state in currencyRecharge int Deposit status 1-open 2-close
state in currencyWithdraw int Withdrawal status 1-open 2-close

Market Data Endpoints

Order Book


curl --request GET ''


  "timestamp": 1648456620000,
  "bids": [
      "50006.1", // PRICE
      "0.024" // QTY
  "asks": [
      "50006.34", // PRICE
      "0.01" // QTY

HTTP Request

GET /api/v2/orderbook


Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol YES string Name of the trading pair, example: BTC-USDT
limit NO int Default value is 100


Name Type Description
timestamp int Current time, unit in millisecond
bids string Bid price and quantity, with best bid prices ranked from top to bottom
asks string Ask price and quantity, with best ask prices ranked from top to bottom

Recent Trades List


curl --request GET ''


    "trade_id": 728356542914519040,
    "price": "71000",
    "base_volume": "0.001",
    "quote_volume": "71",
    "timestamp": 1648456620000,
    "type": "sell"
    "trade_id": 728342639237160960,
    "price": "70727.2",
    "base_volume": "0.001",
    "quote_volume": "70.7272",
    "timestamp": 1648453305000,
    "type": "buy"

HTTP Request

GET /api/v2/trades


Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol YES string Name of the trading pair, example: BTC-USDT
limit NO int Default value is 100, max 100


Name Type Description
trade_id int Order ID
price string Order price
base_volume string Trading volume
quote_volume string Trading quote volume
timestamp int Current timestamp, unit in millisecond
type string buy and sell direction

Kline/Candlestick Data

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function Description:

This interface obtains historical K-line/Candlestick data.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol Yes string The name of the currency pair, for example "ETH-BTC"
period Yes string Time granularity( "1","5","15","30","60","120","240","1D","1W")
startTime No int64 Start time, timestamp (unit: seconds)
endTime No int64 End time, timestamp (unit: seconds)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "time": 1570518900,
      "amount": "0.01",
      "open": "0.00481",
      "close": "0.00481",
      "low": "0.00481",
      "hight": "0.00481",
      "volume": "100"


Name Type Description
code int Return value status
time int64 Timestamp
amount string Trading currency volume
open string Opening price
close string Closing price
low string Lowest price
hight string Highest price
volume string Denominated currency trading volume

24hr Ticker Price Change Statistics


curl --request GET ''


    "trading_pairs": "XLM-BTC",
    "last_price": "0.01",
    "lowest_ask": "0",
    "highest_bid": "0",
    "base_volume": "0",
    "quote_volume": "0",
    "price_change_percent_24h": "0",
    "highest_price_24h": "0.01",
    "lowest_price_24h": "0.01"
    "trading_pairs": "WINK-USDT",
    "last_price": "6.48",
    "lowest_ask": "6.48",
    "highest_bid": "6.47",
    "base_volume": "0.15432",
    "quote_volume": "0.9999936",
    "price_change_percent_24h": "0",
    "highest_price_24h": "6.48",
    "lowest_price_24h": "6.48"

HTTP Request

GET /api/v2/ticker/24hr


Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol NO string Name of the trading pair, example: BTC-USDT


Name Type Description
trading_pairs string Name of the trading pair
last_price string Last traded price
lowest_ask string Best ask price
highest_bid string Best bid price
base_volume string Trading volume
quote_volume string Trading quote volume
price_change_percent_24h string 24 hour increase
highest_price_24h string High price
lowest_price_24h string Low price

Detailed summary for each currency


curl --request GET ''


    "code": "0",
    "message": null,
    "data": {
        "BTC": {
            "name": "btc",
            "unified_cryptoasset_id": 95,
            "can_withdraw": "true",
            "can_deposit": "true",
            "min_withdraw": "10",
            "max_withdraw": "100",
        "ETH": {
            "name": "eth",
            "unified_cryptoasset_id": 47,
            "can_withdraw": "true",
            "can_deposit": "true",
            "min_withdraw": "1",
            "max_withdraw": "2",

HTTP Request

GET /v2/public/assets



Name Type Description
name string currency name
unified_cryptoasset_id string currency id
can_withdraw bool Identifies whether withdrawals are enabled or disabled.
can_deposit bool Identifies whether deposits are enabled or disabled.
min_withdraw string Identifies the single minimum withdrawal amount of a cryptocurrency.
max_withdraw string Identifies the single maximum withdrawal amount of a cryptocurrency.

Overview of market data for all tickers and all market pairs


curl --request GET ''


  "code": "0",
  "message": null,
  "data": [
      "trading_pairs": "btcusdt",
      "last_price": "60000",
      "lowest_ask": "60000",
      "highest_bid": "555",
      "base_volume": "0",
      "quote_volume": "0",
      "price_change_percent_24h": "0",
      "highest_price_24h": "60000",
      "lowest_price_24h": "60000",
      "base_currency": "BTC",
      "quote_currency": "USDT"
      "trading_pairs": "ethusdt",
      "last_price": "60000",
      "lowest_ask": "60000",
      "highest_bid": "555",
      "base_volume": "0",
      "quote_volume": "0",
      "price_change_percent_24h": "0",
      "highest_price_24h": "60000",
      "lowest_price_24h": "60000",
      "base_currency": "ETH",
      "quote_currency": "USDT"

HTTP Request

GET /v2/public/summary



Name Type Description
trading_pairs string Identifier of a ticker with delimiter to separate base/quote,eg. BTC-USD
last_price string Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency
lowest_ask string Lowest Ask price of base currency based on given quote currency
highest_bid string Highest bid price of base currency based on given quote currency
base_volume string 24-hr volume of market pair denoted in BASE currency
quote_volume string 24-hr volume of market pair denoted in QUOTE currency
price_change_percent_24h string 24-hr % price change of market pair
highest_price_24h string Highest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24-hrs
lowest_price_24h string Lowest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24-hrs
base_currency string Symbol/currency code of base currency, eg. BTC
quote_currency string Symbol/currency code of quote currency, eg. USD

24-hour pricing and volume summary


curl --request GET ''


  "code": "0",
  "message": null,
  "data": {
    "BTC_USDT": {
      "base_id": "BTC",
      "quote_id": "USDT",
      "last_price": "60000",
      "quote_volume": "0",
      "base_volume": "0",
      "isFrozen": 0
    "ETH_USDT": {
      "base_id": "ETH",
      "quote_id": "USDT",
      "last_price": "60000",
      "quote_volume": "0",
      "base_volume": "0",
      "isFrozen": 0

HTTP Request

GET /v2/public/ticker



Name Type Description
base_id string The quote pair Unified Cryptoasset ID.
quote_id string The base pair Unified Cryptoasset ID.
last_price string Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency
quote_volume string 24 hour trading volume denoted in QUOTE currency
base_volume string 24-hour trading volume denoted in BASE currency
isFrozen string Indicates if the market is currently enabled (0) or disabled (1).

Full depth returned for a given market pair


curl --request GET ''


  "code": "0",
  "message": null,
  "data": {
    "timestamp": "1622526449",
    "bids": [
      ["10", "0.1102"],
      ["20", "0.1"]
    "asks": [
      ["60000", "91.185787"],
      ["66000", "0.30322"]

HTTP Request

GET /v2/public/orderbook/market_pair


Name Mandatory Type Description
market_pair YES string A pair such as "BTC_USDT"
level NO int eg: 3
depth NO int Orders depth quantity: [0,5,10,20,50,100,500] Not defined or 0 = full order book Depth = 100 means 50 for each bid/ask side.


Name Type Description
timestamp int server time
bids string
asks string

Completed trades for a given market pai


curl --request GET ''


  "code": "0",
  "message": null,
  "data": [
      "trade_id": 2101,
      "price": "60000",
      "base_volume": "0.003333",
      "quote_volume": "0",
      "timestamp": "1622526904",
      "type": "buy"
      "trade_id": 2100,
      "price": "60000",
      "base_volume": "0.008333",
      "quote_volume": "0",
      "timestamp": "1622526904",
      "type": "buy"

HTTP Request

GET /v2/public/trades/market_pair


Name Mandatory Type Description
market_pair YES string A pair such as "BTC_USDT"


Name Type Description
trade_id int A unique ID associated with the trade for the currency pair transaction Note: Unix timestamp does not qualify as trade_id.
price string Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency
base_volume string Transaction amount in BASE currency.
quote_volume string Transaction amount in QUOTE currency.
timestamp string Unix timestamp in milliseconds for when the transaction occurred.
type string Used to determine whether or not the transaction originated as a buy or sell. Buy – Identifies an ask was removed from the order book. Sell – Identifies a bid was removed from the order book.

Symbol Price Ticker


curl --request GET ''


  "ETH-USDT": {
    "last_price": "1097.8",
    "base_volume": "0",
    "quote_volume": "0"
  "WINK-USDT": {
    "last_price": "6.48",
    "base_volume": "0.15432",
    "quote_volume": "0.9999936"

HTTP Request

GET /api/v2/ticker/price


Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol NO string Name of the trading pair, example: BTC-USDT


Name Type Description
last_price string Last traded price
base_volume string Trading volume
quote_volume string Trading quote volume

Exchange API Endpoints

New order

Speed limit rule: 100 times/2s

Function Description:

This interface provides the function of canceling all unexecuted orders of a specified currency pair or currency pairs.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol Yes string For example, the name of the currency pair: "BTC-USDT"
clientOid No string User-made order ID
side Yes int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderType Yes int Order Type 1-Limit Price 2-Market Price 3-Take Profit and Stop Loss 4-Tracking Order 5-Maker Only
price No string Commission price
amount Yes string Entrusted quantity (trading amount when buying at market price)
triggerPrice No string Trigger price
backRatio No string Track the percentage of commissioned callbacks

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "orderId": "10383992916667793408",
    "clientOid": "10383992916667793408"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string Information Description
data object Order information
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID

Cancel Order

Speed limit rule: 100 times/2s

Function Description:

This interface provides the function of canceling unfilled orders.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol Yes string For example, the name of the currency pair: "BTC-USDT"
orderid No string Order ID (orderId and clientOid must and can only be filled in)
clientOid No string User-made order ID (orderId and clientOid must be filled in only one)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "orderId": "10383992916667793408"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string Description
data object Return order information
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID

Batch cancellation

Speed limit rule: 100 times/2s

Function Description:

This interface provides the function of canceling all unexecuted orders of a specified currency pair or currency pairs.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol Yes string For example, the name of the currency pair: "BTC-USDT"
orderIds No array Order ID list (orderId and clientOid must be filled in only one)
clientOids No array User-made order ID list (orderId and clientOid must be filled in only one)
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "code": 200,
      "orderId": "111111"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string Description
data object array Batch cancellation details
code array Batch cancellation details
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID

Get order details

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function Description:

This interface obtains the specified order information through the order ID.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol Yes string The name of the currency pair, such as "BTC-USDT"
orderId No string Order ID (orderId and clientOid must and can only be filled in)
clientOid No string User-made order ID (orderId and clientOid must be filled in only one)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "orderId": "1111111",
    "side": 1,
    "orderType": 1,
    "price": "50000",
    "amount": "0.002",
    "filledAmount": "0.001"


Name Type Description
code int Return value status
msg string Return value description
data object Return value, order details
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example: BTC-USDT)
side int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderType int Order Type 1-Limit Price 2-Market Price 3-Take Profit and Stop Loss 4-Tracking Order 5-Maker Only
price string Commission price
amount string Number of orders
money string Entrusted amount (when buying at market price)
filledAmount string Number of transactions
filledMoney string Transaction amount
filledFee string Transaction fee
feeCurrency string Transaction fee currency
triggerPrice string Order trigger price
triggerType string Order trigger type gte-greater than or equal to lte-less than or equal to
triggerState int Trigger status 1-trigger successful
liquidationType int Liquidation type 1- liquidation 2- lighten up 3- take profit lighten up
strategyId string Strategy Id
strategyType int Strategy type
strategyName string Set the name of the strategy
state int Order Status 1- Created 2- Waiting for Transaction 3- Partially Completed 4- Completely Completed 5- Partially Cancelled 6- Cancelled
accountType string Account type
platform string Platform source
cancelType int Order Cancellation Type 1-User Cancellation 2-System Cancellation 3-Operation Cancellation 4-Liquidation Cancellation 5-Lightening Cancellation
createTime int64 Creation time
updateTime int64 Status update time

Get a list of orders

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function Description:

This interface obtains and lists your current order information (the order information of the last 3 months). This request supports paging, and is sorted and stored in reverse chronological order, with the latest one at the top.

Request path:

POST /v1/api/spot/orderlist


Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
base Yes string Transaction currency (uppercase, such as "BTC")
quote Yes string Denominated currency (uppercase, such as "USDT")
side No int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderTypes No int array List of order types 1- limit price 2- market price 3- stop profit stop loss 4- tracking order 5- Maker only
state Yes int Order status 7-uncompleted 8-completed 9-completed or partially cancelled
pageNum Yes int Pagination, the first few pages (1<=pageNum)
pageSize Yes int Pagination, the number of pages (1<=pageSize<= 500)
startTime No int Start timestamp, seconds
endTime No int End timestamp, seconds
strategyId No string Strategy Id
strategyType No int Strategy type: 1-StrategyTypeGrid, 2-StrategyTypeInvest

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "pageNum": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "total": "10",
    "orders": [
        "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
        "orderId": "1111111",
        "side": 1,
        "orderType": 1,
        "price": "50000",
        "amount": "0.002",
        "filledAmount": "0.001"


Name Type Description
code int Return value status
msg string Return value description
data object Return value, order details
pageno int Pagination, the first few pages (1<=pageNum)
pageSize int Pagination, the number of pages (1<=pageSize<= 500)
total int Total number
orders object array Order list
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example: BTC-USDT)
side int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderType int Order Type 1-Limit Price 2-Market Price 3-Take Profit and Stop Loss 4-Tracking Order 5-Maker Only
price string Commission price
amount string Number of orders
money string Entrusted amount (when buying at market price)
filledAmount string Number of transactions
filledMoney string Transaction amount
filledFee string Transaction fee
feeCurrency string Transaction fee currency
triggerPrice string Order trigger price
triggerType string Order trigger type gte-greater than or equal to lte-less than or equal to
triggerState int Trigger status 1-trigger successful
liquidationType int Liquidation type 1- liquidation 2- lighten up 3- take profit lighten up
strategyId string Strategy Id
strategyType int Strategy type
strategyName string Set the name of the strategy
state int Order Status 1- Created 2- Waiting for Transaction 3- Partially Completed 4- Completely Completed 5- Partially Cancelled 6- Cancelled
accountType string Account type
platform string Platform source
cancelType int Order Cancellation Type 1-User Cancellation 2-System Cancellation 3-Operation Cancellation 4-Liquidation Cancellation 5-Lightening Cancellation
createTime int64 Creation time
updateTime int64 Status update time

Get transaction details

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function Description:

This interface gets all your current transaction order information. This request supports paging, and is sorted and stored in reverse chronological order, with the latest one at the top.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
base No string Transaction currency (uppercase, such as "BTC")
quote No string Denominated currency (uppercase, such as "USDT")
orderId No string Order ID
side No int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderTypes No int array List of order types 1- limit price 2- market price 3- stop profit stop loss 4- tracking order 5- Maker only
pageno Yes int Pagination, the first few pages (1<=pageNum)
pageSize Yes int Pagination, the number of pages (1<=pageSize<= 500)
startTime No int64 Start timestamp, seconds
endTime No int64 End timestamp, seconds
strategyId No string Strategy Id
strategyType No int Strategy type

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "pageNum": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "total": "10",
    "trades": [
        "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
        "tradeId": "1111111",
        "orderId": "1111111",
        "side": 1,
        "orderType": 1,
        "price": "50000",
        "amount": "0.002",
        "feeCurrency": "BTC",
        "feeRate": "0.0001",
        "fee": "0.000001",
        "accountType": "spot",
        "platform": "api",
        "role": "maker",
        "createTime": "1629854950"


Name Type Description
code int Return value status
msg string Return value description
data object Return value, order details
pageno int Pagination, the first few pages (1<=pageNum)
pageSize int Pagination, the number of pages (1<=pageSize<= 500)
total int Total number
trades object array List of commissioned orders
orderId string Order ID
tradeId string Order ID
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example: BTC-USDT)
side int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderType int Order Type 1-Limit Price 2-Market Price 3-Take Profit and Stop Loss 4-Tracking Order 5-Maker Only
price string Commission price
amount string Number of orders
feeRate string Actual handling fee rate
feeCurrency string Transaction fee currency
fee string Handling fee
liquidationType int Liquidation type 1- liquidation 2- lighten up 3- take profit lighten up
strategyId string Strategy Id
strategyType int Strategy type
strategyName string Set the name of the strategy
accountType string Account type
platform string Platform source
role string Character type 1-maker 2-taker
selftrade int Whether self-deal 1-self-deal
createTime int64 Creation time

Wallet API Endpoints

Get wallet info

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function description:

This interface obtains a list of all asset information of the wallet currency account, and queries the balance, freeze and availability information of each currency.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:


Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "data": [
      "list": [
          "available": "0.00000000",
          "currency": "USDT",
          "hold": "0.00000000",
          "total": "0.00000000"
          "available": "0.00000000",
          "currency": "BTC",
          "hold": "0.00000000",
          "total": "0.00000000"
      "walletType": "c2c"
  "userid": "85942975"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
data list Return value, currency account data
userid string User id
walletType string Account type: spot-spot account otc-fiat account l2c-margin account
available string Available Balance
total string Total balance
currency string Currency example: BTC
hold string Frozen amount

Get the details of single currency

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function description:

Get wallet account details (single currency)

Request path:



Routing parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
currency Yes string Currency, e.g. BTC

Post Parameter:


Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "available": "20.00000000",
    "hold": "2.00000000"
  "msg": "Success",
  "userid": "481"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string Description of the return value this time
userid string User id
data map Return value, currency account, details of a currency
available string Available Balance
hold string Frozen amount


Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

This interface provides funds transfer between spot wallets, legal currency wallets, and leveraged wallets within the platform. [Note: Transfers between margin account currency pairs only support transfers between quoted currencies, for example, transfer USDT from BTC_USDT under the margin account to the ETH_USDT currency pair]

Request path:

POST /v1/api/account/transfer


Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
currency Yes string Currency type
amount Yes string Quantity
from Yes string Transfer account: spot spot account, otc fiat currency account, l2c margin account, swap USDT-futures account
to Yes string Transfer account: spot spot account, otc fiat currency account, l2c margin account, swap USDT-futures account
fromPair no string The outgoing currency pair during the mutual transfer between margin account currency pairs, for example: BTC_USDT
toPair no string The transferred currency pair during the mutual transfer between margin account currency pairs, for example: ETH_USDT

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "orderid": "541989259557478400",
    "userid": "72473826"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data object The response object returned by the fund transfer
orderid string Order id
userid string User id

Get a transaction bill for a spot account

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function description:

This interface queries the spot account transaction bill.

Request path:

POST /v1/api/spot/record/trade


Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
tradeType no int Transaction type: 0. All; 2. Buy; 3. Sell; 4. Actual fee
currency no string Example of currency name: ETH
pageno Yes string Page, 1 starts
pageSize Yes string Number of pages (0 <pageSize ≤ 500)
startTime no string Start time seconds to query records within the last 90 days at most
endTime no string End time seconds

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "userId": "",
    "total": 4,
    "list": [
        "tradeType": 3,
        "operateTime": 1606755600,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "amount": "1.99991550"
        "tradeType": 3,
        "operateTime": 1606701601,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "amount": "0.99979000"
        "tradeType": 3,
        "operateTime": 1606096802,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "amount": "0.99979000"
        "tradeType": 3,
        "operateTime": 1605492004,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "amount": "0.99979000"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data object Empty string
userId string User id
total int Number of bill records
list array Billing record list
tradeType int Transaction type: 2. Buy; 3. Sell; 4. Actual fee
operateTime int64 Operating time
currency string Example of currency name: ETH
amount string Quantity

Obtain a cash account deposit and withdrawal bill

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function description:

This interface queries the deposit and withdrawal bills of the spot account.

Request path:

POST /v1/api/spot/record/chargewithdraw


Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
tradeType no int Transaction type: 0. All; 1. Withdrawal; 2. Deposit
currency no string Example of currency name: ETH
startTime no int64 Start time: second-level timestamp
endTime no int64 End time time: second-level timestamp
pageno Yes int Page number, starting from 1
pageSize Yes int Number of pages (0 <pageSize ≤ 500)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "total": 4,
    "list": [
        "tradeType": 2,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "address": "1AUVYs7LfhnZMi7DkD6FeLqsXrXaWy4P9Z",
        "amount": "4.00000000",
        "fee": "1.00000000",
        "label": "",
        "chainType": "USDT_OMNI",
        "state": 3,
        "txId": "INTERNAL",
        "operateTime": 1603784595254607137
        "tradeType": 2,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "address": "1AUVYs7LfhnZMi7DkD6FeLqsXrXaWy4P9Z",
        "amount": "4.00000000",
        "fee": "1.00000000",
        "label": "",
        "chainType": "USDT_OMNI",
        "state": 1,
        "txId": "",
        "operateTime": 1603423928893177788
        "tradeType": 2,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "address": "1AUVYs7LfhnZMi7DkD6FeLqsXrXaWy4P9Z",
        "amount": "4.00000000",
        "fee": "1.00000000",
        "label": "",
        "chainType": "USDT_OMNI",
        "state": 5,
        "txId": "",
        "operateTime": 1603335471347179187
        "tradeType": 2,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "address": "1AUVYs7LfhnZMi7DkD6FeLqsXrXaWy4P9Z",
        "amount": "4.00000000",
        "fee": "1.00000000",
        "label": "",
        "chainType": "USDT_OMNI",
        "state": 1,
        "txId": "",
        "operateTime": 1603334047527967315


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data object Empty string
total int Number of bill records
list array Billing record list
tradeType int Transaction type: 1. Withdraw coins; 2. Deposit coins
operateTime int64 Operating time
currency string Example of currency name: ETH
amount string Quantity
address string When the tradeType is 1, it represents the withdrawal address; when the tradeType is 2, it represents the deposit address
fee string Withdrawal fee
label string User's label
chainType string Chain type of currency
state int Bill status: When the tradeType is 1, state respectively represents: 1-Pending review; 2-Under review; 3-Completed; 4-Review failed; 5-Retracted; 6-Withdrawal failed; 7-Initial creation; 8- When the tradeType is 2 in confirmation , state respectively represents: 1-Completed
txId string Transaction hash

Obtain a transfer bill from a spot account

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function description:

This interface queries the transfer bill of the spot account.

Request path:

POST /v1/api/spot/record/trans


Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
tradeType no int Transaction type: 0. All; 1. Transfer in; 2. Transfer out
currency no string Example of currency name: ETH
startTime no int64 Start time: second-level timestamp
endTime no int64 End time time: second-level timestamp
pageno Yes int Page number, starting from 1
pageSize Yes int Number of pages (0 <pageSize ≤ 500)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "userId": "35856194",
    "total": 16,
    "list": [
        "userId": "35856194",
        "tradeType": 2,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "fromCoinPair": "",
        "toCoinPair": "",
        "fromAccount": 0,
        "toAccount": 1,
        "amount": "500.00000000",
        "operateTime": 1600863239,
        "state": 1
        "userId": "35856194",
        "tradeType": 2,
        "currency": "USDT",
        "fromCoinPair": "",
        "toCoinPair": "",
        "fromAccount": 0,
        "toAccount": 1,
        "amount": "450.00000000",
        "operateTime": 1600863103,
        "state": 1


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data object Empty string
userId string User id
total int Number of bill records
list array Billing record list
tradeType int Transaction type: 1. Transfer in; 2. Transfer out
operateTime int64 Operating time
currency string Example of currency name: ETH
amount string Quantity
fromCoinPair string Transferred currency pair
toCoinPair string Transfer out currency pair
fromAccount string Transfer out account: 0. Spot; 1. Leverage; 3. Legal currency
toAccount string Transfer to account: 0. Spot; 1. Leverage; 3. Legal currency

Get other bills for spot accounts

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function description:

This interface queries other bills of spot accounts, including rebates and activities.

Request path:

POST /v1/api/spot/record/others


Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
tradeType no int Transaction type: 0. All; 1. Rebate; 2. Activities
currency no string Example of currency name: ETH
startTime no int64 Start time: second-level timestamp
endTime no int64 End time time: second-level timestamp
pageno Yes int Page number, starting from 1
pageSize Yes int Number of pages (0 <pageSize ≤ 500)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "userId": "94433127",
    "total": 14,
    "list": [
        "tradeType": 1,
        "currency": "BTC",
        "amount": "0.01",
        "operateTime": 1608086059
        "tradeType": 1,
        "currency": "BTC",
        "amount": "0.01",
        "operateTime": 1608086059


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data object Empty string
userId string User id
total int Number of bill records
list array Billing record list
tradeType int Transaction type: 1. Rebate; 2. Activities
operateTime int64 Operation time: second-level timestamp
currency string Example of currency name: ETH
amount string Quantity

Get the deposit address

Speed limit rule: 20 times/2s

Function description:

This interface obtains the deposit address of each currency.

Request path:



Routing parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
coinType Yes string Currency type USDT
chainType Yes string Chain type ERC20

Post Parameter:


Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "request": {
    "userId": "66491610",
    "coinType": "btc",
    "label": ""
  "data": {
    "userId": "66491610",
    "coinType": "btc",
    "code": 200,
    "address": "1DDceT2o3zQS6dYzLg3HGG9Y787DfGXMLA",
    "exportAddr": ""


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
request map Request parameter
userId string User id
coinType string Currency
address string address

Get margin account information

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

This interface obtains a list of all asset information of a margin account, and queries the balance, freeze, and availability information of each currency.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:


Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "walletType": "l2c",
    "list": [
        "baseAvailable": "0.00000000",
        "baseBorrowed": "0.00000000",
        "baseCurrency": "ETH",
        "baseHold": "0.00000000",
        "baseInterest": "0.00000000",
        "baseTotal": "0.00000000",
        "coinpair": "ETH/USDT",
        "quoteAvailable": "0.00000000",
        "quoteBorrowed": "0.00000000",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
        "quoteHold": "0.00000000",
        "quoteInterest": "0.00000000",
        "quoteTotal": "0.00000000"
        "baseAvailable": "0.00000000",
        "baseBorrowed": "0.00000000",
        "baseCurrency": "ADA",
        "baseHold": "0.00000000",
        "baseInterest": "0.00000000",
        "baseTotal": "0.00000000",
        "coinpair": "ADA/USDT",
        "quoteAvailable": "10.00000000",
        "quoteBorrowed": "0.00000000",
        "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
        "quoteHold": "0.00000000",
        "quoteInterest": "0.00000000",
        "quoteTotal": "10.00000000"
  "userid": "72473826"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
data list Return value, margin account data
userid string User id
walletType string Account type: spot-currency account otc-fiat currency account l2c-margin account
coinpair string Example of currency pair name: BTC/USDT
baseCurrency string Example of transaction currency name: BTC
quoteCurrency string Example of denomination currency name: USDT
baseAvailable string Available amount of transaction currency
quoteAvailable string Available amount in denominated currency
baseHold string Frozen amount of trading currency
quoteHold string Frozen amount in denominated currency
baseTotal string Total transaction currency
quoteTotal string Total denominated currency
baseBorrowed string Transaction currency loan amount
quote Borrowed string Denominated currency loan amount
baseInterest string Transaction currency interest
quoteInterest string Denominated currency interest

Margin trading API Endpoints

Get the details of a currency pair under a margin account

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

Get information about the balance, freeze, and availability of a currency pair account under a margin account

Request path:



Routing parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
pairName Yes string Currency pair, example BTC_USDT

Post Parameter:


Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "baseAvailable": "0.60029232",
    "baseBorrowed": "1",
    "baseCurrency": "BTC",
    "baseHold": "0",
    "baseInterest": "0.000042",
    "baseTotal": "0.60029232",
    "coinpair": "BTC/USDT",
    "quoteAvailable": "3902.45765848",
    "quoteBorrowed": "219.34",
    "quoteCurrency": "USDT",
    "quoteHold": "0",
    "quoteInterest": "0.00921228",
    "quoteTotal": "3902.45765848",
    "burstPrice": "9213.53694692",
    "riskRate": "112.25"
  "userid": "72473826"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
data list Return value, margin account data
msg string code response message
userid string User id
coinpair string Example of currency pair name: BTC/USDT
baseCurrency string Example of transaction currency name: BTC
quoteCurrency string Example of denomination currency name: USDT
baseAvailable string Available amount of transaction currency
quoteAvailable string Available amount in denominated currency
baseHold string Frozen amount of trading currency
quoteHold string Frozen amount in denominated currency
baseTotal string Total transaction currency
quoteTotal string Total denominated currency
baseBorrowed string Transaction currency loan amount
quote Borrowed string Denominated currency loan amount
baseInterest string Transaction currency interest
quoteInterest string Denominated currency interest
burstPrice string Liquidation price
riskRate string Liquidation risk rate

Leverage order

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function Description:

This interface provides leverage to place orders.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol Yes string For example, the name of the currency pair: "BTC-USDT"
clientOid No string User-made order ID
side Yes int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderType Yes int Order Type 1-Limit Price 2-Market Price 3-Take Profit and Stop Loss 4-Tracking Order 5-Maker Only
price No string Commission price
amount Yes string Entrusted quantity (trading amount when buying at market price)
triggerPrice No string Trigger price
backRatio No string Track the percentage of commissioned callbacks

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "orderId": "10383992916667793408",
    "clientOid": "10383992916667793408"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string Information Description
data object Order information
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID

Leverage Cancellation

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function Description:

This interface provides the function of canceling unfilled leveraged orders.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol Yes string For example, the name of the currency pair: "BTC-USDT"
orderid No string Order ID (orderId and clientOid must and can only be filled in)
clientOid No string User-made order ID (orderId and clientOid must be filled in only one)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "orderId": "10383992916667793408"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string Description
data object Return order information
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID

Leverage batch cancellation

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function Description:

This interface provides the function of canceling all unexecuted leveraged orders of a specified currency pair or currency pairs.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol Yes string For example, the name of the currency pair: "BTC-USDT"
orderIds No array Order ID list (orderId and clientOid must be filled in only one)
clientOids No array User-made order ID list (orderId and clientOid must be filled in only one)
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "code": 200,
      "orderId": "111111"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string Description
data object array Batch cancellation details
code array Batch cancellation details
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID

Get a list of leveraged orders

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function Description:

List your current order information (the order information of the last 3 months). This request supports paging, and is sorted and stored in reverse chronological order, with the latest one at the top.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
base Yes string Transaction currency (uppercase, such as "BTC")
quote Yes string Denominated currency (uppercase, such as "USDT")
side Yes string Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderTypes Yes int array List of order types 1- limit price 2- market price 3- stop profit stop loss 4- tracking order 5- Maker only
state Yes string Order status 7-uncompleted 8-completed 9-completed or partially cancelled
pageno No string Pagination, the first few pages (1<=pageNum)
pageSize No string Pagination, the number of pages (1<=pageSize<= 500)
startTime Yes string Start timestamp, seconds
endTime Yes string End timestamp, seconds
strategyId No string Strategy Id
strategyType No string Strategy type

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "pageNum": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "total": "10",
    "orders": [
        "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
        "orderId": "1111111",
        "side": 1,
        "orderType": 1,
        "price": "50000",
        "amount": "0.002",
        "filledAmount": "0.001"


Name Type Description
code int Return value status
msg string Return value description
data object Return value, order details
pageno int Pagination, the first few pages (1<=pageNum)
pageSize int Pagination, the number of pages (1<=pageSize<= 500)
total int Total number
orders object array Order list
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example: BTC-USDT)
side int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderType int Order Type 1-Limit Price 2-Market Price 3-Take Profit and Stop Loss 4-Tracking Order 5-Maker Only
price string Commission price
amount string Number of orders
money string Entrusted amount (when buying at market price)
filledAmount string Number of transactions
filledMoney string Transaction amount
filledFee string Transaction fee
feeCurrency string Transaction fee currency
triggerPrice string Order trigger price
triggerType string Order trigger type gte-greater than or equal to lte-less than or equal to
triggerState int Trigger status 1-trigger successful
liquidationType int Liquidation type 1- liquidation 2- lighten up 3- take profit lighten up
strategyId string Strategy Id
strategyType int Strategy type
strategyName string Set the name of the strategy
state int Order Status 1- Created 2- Waiting for Transaction 3- Partially Completed 4- Completely Completed 5- Partially Cancelled 6- Cancelled
accountType string Account type
platform string Platform source
cancelType int Order Cancellation Type 1-User Cancellation 2-System Cancellation 3-Operation Cancellation 4-Liquidation Cancellation 5-Lightening Cancellation
createTime int64 Creation time
updateTime int64 Status update time

Get details of leveraged orders

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function Description:

This interface obtains the specified order information through the order ID.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
symbol Yes string The name of the currency pair, such as "BTC-USDT"
orderId No string Order ID (orderId and clientOid must and can only be filled in)
clientOid No string User-made order ID (orderId and clientOid must be filled in only one)

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
    "orderId": "1111111",
    "side": 1,
    "orderType": 1,
    "price": "50000",
    "amount": "0.002",
    "filledAmount": "0.001"


Name Type Description
code int Return value status
msg string Return value description
data object Return value, order details
orderId string Order ID
clientOid string User-made order ID
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example: BTC-USDT)
side int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderType int Order Type 1-Limit Price 2-Market Price 3-Take Profit and Stop Loss 4-Tracking Order 5-Maker Only
price string Commission price
amount string Number of orders
money string Entrusted amount (when buying at market price)
filledAmount string Number of transactions
filledMoney string Transaction amount
filledFee string Transaction fee
feeCurrency string Transaction fee currency
triggerPrice string Order trigger price
triggerType string Order trigger type gte-greater than or equal to lte-less than or equal to
triggerState int Trigger status 1-trigger successful
liquidationType int Liquidation type 1- liquidation 2- lighten up 3- take profit lighten up
strategyId string Strategy Id
strategyType int Strategy type
strategyName string Set the name of the strategy
state int Order Status 1- Created 2- Waiting for Transaction 3- Partially Completed 4- Completely Completed 5- Partially Cancelled 6- Cancelled
accountType string Account type
platform string Platform source
cancelType int Order Cancellation Type 1-User Cancellation 2-System Cancellation 3-Operation Cancellation 4-Liquidation Cancellation 5-Lightening Cancellation
createTime int64 Creation time
updateTime int64 Status update time

Get leveraged transaction details

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function Description:

This interface gets all your current transaction order information. This request supports paging, and is sorted and stored in reverse chronological order, with the latest one at the top.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post parameters:

Name Mandatory Type Description
base No string Transaction currency (uppercase, such as "BTC")
quote No string Denominated currency (uppercase, such as "USDT")
orderId No string Order ID
side No int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderTypes No int array List of order types 1- limit price 2- market price 3- stop profit stop loss 4- tracking order 5- Maker only
pageno Yes int Pagination, the first few pages (1<=pageNum)
pageSize Yes int Pagination, the number of pages (1<=pageSize<= 500)
startTime No int64 Start timestamp, seconds
endTime No int64 End timestamp, seconds
strategyId No string Strategy Id
strategyType No int Strategy type

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "pageNum": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "total": "10",
    "trades": [
        "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
        "tradeId": "1111111",
        "orderId": "1111111",
        "side": 1,
        "orderType": 1,
        "price": "50000",
        "amount": "0.002",
        "feeCurrency": "BTC",
        "feeRate": "0.0001",
        "fee": "0.000001",
        "accountType": "spot",
        "platform": "api",
        "role": "maker",
        "createTime": "1629854950"


Name Type Description
code int Return value status
msg string Return value description
data object Return value, order details
pageno int Pagination, the first few pages (1<=pageNum)
pageSize int Pagination, the number of pages (1<=pageSize<= 500)
total int Total number
trades object array List of commissioned orders
orderId string Order ID
tradeId string Order ID
symbol string The name of the currency pair (for example: BTC-USDT)
side int Order Direction 1-Buy 2-Sell
orderType int Order Type 1-Limit Price 2-Market Price 3-Take Profit and Stop Loss 4-Tracking Order 5-Maker Only
price string Commission price
amount string Number of orders
feeRate string Actual handling fee rate
feeCurrency string Transaction fee currency
fee string Handling fee
liquidationType int Liquidation type 1- liquidation 2- lighten up 3- take profit lighten up
strategyId string Strategy Id
strategyType int Strategy type
strategyName string Set the name of the strategy
accountType string Account type
platform string Platform source
role string Character type 1-maker 2-taker
selftrade int Whether self-deal 1-self-deal
createTime int64 Creation time

Get leverage configuration

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

This interface obtains the currency pair configuration information of the wallet margin account.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
pairName no string Example of currency pair name: ETH_USDT

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "coinPair": "TOMO/USDT",
      "leverMultiple": 10,
      "isBorrow": 0,
      "quoteLeatestBorrowAmount": "10",
      "borrowFeeRate": "0.05",
      "quoteMostBorrowAmount": "10000",
      "baseMostBorrowAmount": "10000"
      "coinPair": "BTC/USDT",
      "leverMultiple": 10,
      "isBorrow": 0,
      "quoteLeatestBorrowAmount": "100",
      "borrowFeeRate": "0.000021",
      "quoteMostBorrowAmount": "5000",
      "baseMostBorrowAmount": "100"
      "coinPair": "BNB/USDT",
      "leverMultiple": 4,
      "isBorrow": 0,
      "quoteLeatestBorrowAmount": "10",
      "borrowFeeRate": "0.000001",
      "quoteMostBorrowAmount": "1000000000",
      "baseMostBorrowAmount": "10"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data array Return value, leverage configuration information
coinPair string Currency pair name
leverMultiple string Leverage
quoteLeatestBorrowAmount string Minimum borrowing amount of denominated currency
borrowFeeRate string Loan rate
quoteMostBorrowAmount string The maximum loanable currency in a single day
baseMostBorrowAmount string Maximum loanable trading currency in a single day

Get leveraged currency borrowing parameters

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

This interface obtains the prompt parameters when the user borrows coins.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
pairName Yes string Example of currency pair name: ETH_USDT
currency Yes string Example of currency name: ETH

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "canBorrowAmount": "15",
    "borrowedAmount": "3",
    "borrowFeeRate": "0.0001",
    "leastBorrowAmount": "0"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data array Return value, leverage configuration information
canBorrowAmount string Available amount
borrowedAmount string Amount borrowed
borrowFeeRate string Minimum borrowing amount of denominated currency
leastBorrowAmount string Minimum loan amount

Leveraged currency

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

This interface is used for leveraged currency borrowing.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
pairName Yes string Example of currency pair name: ETH_USDT
currency Yes string Example of currency name: ETH
amount Yes string Loan amount

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": ""


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data array Empty string

Get leveraged currency parameters

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

This interface obtains the currency return prompt parameters of a specific currency under a specific currency pair.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
pairName Yes string Example of currency pair name: ETH_USDT
currency Yes string Example of currency name: ETH

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "borrowedAmount": "1.00000200",
    "interest": "0.00000401",
    "unReturnAmount": "1.00000601",
    "availAmount": "1.99999910"


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data object Return value, prompt message of user returning currency
borrowedAmount string Unpaid principal
interest string Unpaid interest on borrowed currency
unReturnAmount string Outstanding amount
availAmount string The available amount of the currency under the currency pair

Leveraged currency

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

This interface is used for leveraged currency.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
pairName Yes string Example of currency pair name: ETH_USDT
currency Yes string Currency name
amount Yes string Refund amount

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": ""


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data array Empty string

Get Margin Account Debit and Return Record

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

This interface obtains the information of the leverage loan and return record.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
pairName Yes string Example of currency pair name: ETH_USDT
currency Yes string Example of currency name: ETH
pageSize Yes int Display quantity per page
pageno Yes int page number

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "list": [
        "borrowedTime": 1603959122,
        "coinPair": "BNB/USDT",
        "coinType": "BNB",
        "recordId": "1603959122152142070",
        "borrowedAmount": "1",
        "amount": "0.000002",
        "borrowFeeRate": "0.0001",
        "interest": "0.00000001",
        "refund": "0.000001",
        "state": 1
        "borrowedTime": 1603958809,
        "coinPair": "BNB/USDT",
        "coinType": "BNB",
        "recordId": "1603958809028866056",
        "borrowedAmount": "1",
        "amount": "0",
        "borrowFeeRate": "0.0001",
        "interest": "0",
        "refund": "0.000001",
        "state": 2
    "pageNum": 1,
    "pageSize": 5,
    "total": 2


Name Type Description
code int 200, normal
msg string success, normal
data list Return value, margin account data
borrowedTime int64 Borrow time
coinPair string Example of borrowing currency pair name: BTC/USDT
coinType string Example of borrowing currency name: BTC
recordId string Borrowing record id
borrowedAmount string Number of borrowed coins
amount string Available amount of transaction currency
borrowFeeRate string Hourly rate
interest string Interest paid
refund string Frozen amount in denominated currency
state int Loan status: 1. Not repaid; 2. Repaid

Get a margin account statement

Speed limit rule: 1 time/2s

Function description:

Use this interface to obtain leveraged bills.

Request path:



Routing parameters:


Post Parameter:

Name Mandatory Type Description
pageno Yes int page number
pageSize Yes int Display quantity per page (0 <pageSize ≤ 500)
currency no string Currency type, all bills will be returned if not filled
ledgerType no int Bill type 2 Buy in 3 Buy out 4 Handling fee 5 Loan currency 6 Return interest 7 Return principal 8 System buy 9 System sell 11 Liquidation fee 12 Transfer in 13 Transfer out
pairName no string Currency pair type, if not filled in, the bill of all currency pairs will be returned

Return example:

  "code": 200,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
      "ledger_id": "10541354256305774592",
      "coinPair": "BTC/USDT",
      "currency": "BTC",
      "balance": "0.60029232",
      "amount": "0.46417600",
      "typename": "lever_trade",
      "timestamp": "2020-10-28T15:56:40Z"
      "ledger_id": "10541354255949258752",
      "coinPair": "BTC/USDT",
      "currency": "USDT",
      "balance": "653.25823816",
      "amount": "8.73514642",
      "typename": "lever_trade",
      "timestamp": "2020-10-28T15:56:40Z"
  "total": 239,
  "operateTime": "2020-10-28T18:17:01Z"


Name Type Description
ledger_id string Bill ID
coinPair string Currency pair
currency string Currency
balance string Balance
amount string Number of changes
typename string Bill type
timestamp string Bill creation time

Error message

code Description
200 normal
112002 API single key traffic exceeds limit
112005 API request frequency exceeded
112007 API-Key creation failed
112008 API-Key remark name already exists
112009 The number of API-Key creation exceeds the limit (a single user can create up to 5 APIs)
112010 API-Key is invalid (the time limit for a single Key is 60 natural days)
112011 API request IP access is restricted (the bound IP is inconsistent with the request IP)
112015 Signature error
112020 Wrong signature
112021 Wrong signature version
112022 Signature timestamp error
112047 The spot API interface is temporarily inaccessible
112048 The futures API interface is temporarily inaccessible
230030 Please operate after KYC certification
280007 Query Coin Pair Not Exist
280014 Query Side Err: 1-Buy 2-Sell
280048 Query LiquidationType Error
280204 Query StrategyType Error
280044 Query OrderTypes Error
280045 Query OrderState Error
280042 PageNum Error: should >0
280043 PageSize Error: should between 0 and 500

Common problem

common problem
1. What is a trading currency? What is a denominated currency? Is the transaction volume counted in the transaction currency or the denominated currency? Answer: Each transaction currency pair is composed of transaction currency/denominated currency. The front of the currency pair is the transaction currency, and the back is the denominated currency. For example: In the BTC/USDT trading currency pair, BTC is the trading currency and USDT is the quotation currency. The transaction volume is calculated based on the transaction currency. The total transaction amount is calculated based on the denominated currency.
2. Rest access restriction? Answer: 1. A single IP is restricted to 1200 visits per minute. If it exceeds 1200 times, it will be locked for 1 hour, and will be automatically unlocked after one hour. 2. A single user is restricted to 20 visits per second, and more than 20 requests within one second will be considered invalid.
3. WebSocket access restriction? Answer: A single user is restricted to 50 visits per second, and more than 50 requests in one second will be regarded as invalid.
4. What is the use of the generated key? Answer: The key is the key used to operate the API, and the API key needs to be provided when calling the API interface. The private key is only displayed once when it is just generated, and it needs to be regenerated if it is forgotten.
5. Can the candlestick chart obtain data from months or one year ago? Answer: The system candlestick chart only provides 1000 pieces of data at most. If you want to obtain longer data, you need to use the unit of hour or day to obtain it.
6. Does the IP of the API need to be bound? Answer: 1. The IP binding of the API effectively prevents servers other than this IP from calling their own authority for transaction operations. 2. After the IP is bound, it can only be accessed by the bound IP. If it is not bound, the access to the IP is not restricted.
7. Does the API support withdrawals? Answer: No, withdrawals must be made on the FameEX official website.
8. Can the public key and private key be provided to others? Answer: It is not recommended, it will cause asset loss.
9. Frequent signature failures? • Check whether the API Key is valid, copied correctly, and whether there is a whitelist of bound IP; • Check whether the timestamp is UTC time; • Check whether the parameters are sorted alphabetically; • Check the code; • Check the signature code It should be hex; • Check whether it is submitted in a form ; • Check whether the url has a signature field, and whether the POST data format is json format; • Check whether the signature result is URI-encoded.
10. Return login-required? • Check whether the parameter account-id is returned by the /v1/account/accounts interface instead of the filled UID; • Check whether the request includes the business parameters into the signature; • Check whether the request includes parameters Sort in the order of the ASCII code table.
11. Return gateway-internal-error? Check whether the request declares Content-Type: application/json in the header.